Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia - Citilink (PT Citilink Indonesia) adalah sebuah maskapai penerbangan berbiaya murah dan anak perusahaan Garuda Indonesia. PT Citilink Indonesia menawarkan Anda kesempatan untuk bergabung dan memperluas bakat dalam industri penerbangan melalui proses seleksi sesuai kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dan diinformasikan secara terpusat melalui channel resmi perusahaan. Perlu diperhatikan untuk seluruh pelamar bahwa pada proses seleksi kami tidak meminta biaya seleksi dalam bentuk apapun baik melalui telepon, sms serta email.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia - Perusahaan ini berdiri tahun 2001 sebagai Unit Bisnis Strategis (SBU) dan difungsikan sebagai salah satu alternatif penerbangan berbiaya murah di Indonesia. Sejak tanggal 30 Juli 2012 Citilink secara resmi beroperasi sebagai entitas bisnis yang terpisah dari Garuda Indonesia setelah mendapatkan Air Operator Certificate (AOC). Citilink beroperasi dengan 17 pesawat dengan logo, tanda panggil dan seragam baru. Bandara penghubung utama maskapai ini adalah Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda di Surabaya.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia - Perusahaan ini berdiri tahun 2001 sebagai Unit Bisnis Strategis (SBU) dan difungsikan sebagai salah satu alternatif penerbangan berbiaya murah di Indonesia. Sejak tanggal 30 Juli 2012 Citilink secara resmi beroperasi sebagai entitas bisnis yang terpisah dari Garuda Indonesia setelah mendapatkan Air Operator Certificate (AOC). Citilink beroperasi dengan 17 pesawat dengan logo, tanda panggil dan seragam baru. Bandara penghubung utama maskapai ini adalah Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda di Surabaya.
Citilink telah menjadi maskapai yang paling cepat berkembang di Indonesia sejak tahun 2011, ketika mengambil A320 pertama dan percepatan ekspansi sebagai bagian dari upaya oleh grup Garuda untuk bersaing lebih agresif pada segment budget traveler.
Penerbangan Citilink pada awalnya merupakan penerbangan yang dikelola oleh SBU Citilink milik Garuda Indonesia yang beroperasi dengan AOC Garuda dan menggunakan nomor penerbangan Garuda sejak Mei 2011.
Sekarang Citilink mengoperasikan 34 buah pesawat Airbus A320 dengan kapasitas 180 kursi. Citilink melayani 42 rute penerbangan domestik dan 184 frekuensi penerbangan setiap hari, kami siap mengantarkan anda ke 23 kota di Indonesia dengan armada Airbus A320 terbaru.
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, Citilink Indonesia sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2016.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis terbaru bulan Juni 2016 dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia Citilink Indonesia di Lowongan Terbaru posisi : BANYAK POSISI LOWONGAN
Pada hari ini bulan Juni 2016 Citilink Indonesia kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir atau membuka Lowongan Terbaru bulan Juni 2016 untuk lulusan terbaru dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia
Posisi Loker Citilink Indonesia :
PT Citilink Indonesia menawarkan Anda kesempatan untuk bergabung dan memperluas bakat dalam industri penerbangan melalui proses seleksi sesuai kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dan diinformasikan secara terpusat melalui channel resmi perusahaan. Pada proses seleksi kami tidak mengenakan biaya seleksi dalam bentuk apapun baik melalui telepon, sms serta email.
1. Station Quality Control
We are looking for the best candidate for position Station Quality Control with requirement :
2. Revenue Accounting
We are looking for the best candidate for position Accounting and Tax Officer with requirement :
3. Engineering and Maintenance Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for Engineering and Maintenance Officer PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
4. Corporate Communication Manager
We are looking for the best candidate for Corporate Communication PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
5. Management Trainee
We are looking for the best candidate for position Management Trainee with requirement :
6. Quality Auditor
We are looking for the best candidate for position Quality Auditor with requirement :
We are looking for the best candidate for position Station Quality Control with requirement :
- Male maximum age 35 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Diploma Degree
- Preferably holds license FOO Rated A320
- Good analytical skills
- Good interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to branch office according to company’s needs
2. Revenue Accounting
We are looking for the best candidate for position Accounting and Tax Officer with requirement :
- Male or Female maximum age 27 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 in Accounting-Finance
- Experience in Accounting System minimal 1 years
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
3. Engineering and Maintenance Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for Engineering and Maintenance Officer PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
- Male or Female
- Max. age 30 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 with GPA min 3.00 in major aeronatics, mechanical engineering from reputable University are welcomed to apply
- Active in campus organizations and/or committees
- Good analytical and interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
4. Corporate Communication Manager
We are looking for the best candidate for Corporate Communication PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
- Indonesian citizen
- Holds Bachelor Degree/S1 Communication, Management
- Experience in journalistic and public relation minimum 8 years
- Good command in English, both oral and written
- Good analytical and interpersonal skills
- Able to work individually and in a team
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
5. Management Trainee
We are looking for the best candidate for position Management Trainee with requirement :
- Maximum age 25 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree in major Aeronatic Engineering, Mathematic,Accounting, Management, Industrial Engineering,Information Technology, and Business Administration
- Good analytical skills
- Good communication and presentation skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
6. Quality Auditor
We are looking for the best candidate for position Quality Auditor with requirement :
- Male/Female maximum age 35 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Holds Bachelor Degree/S1 Aeronatica Engineering,Industrial Engineering
- Minimum Experience for expertise in which He/She will become qualified auditor :
- 4 years as flight crew for Flight Operation (FLT) expertise
- 4 years working experience in aircraft maintenance area as engineer or auditor or inspector or planner for Maintenance & Engineering (MNT) expertise
- 4 years as flight operations officer or operations control for Flight Dispatch (DSP) expertise
- 4 years as cabin crew for Cabin Operation (CAB) expertise
- 4 years as on security related tasks for Security Operation (SEC) expertise
- 6 years as ground handling officer (passenger, baggage, ramp and cargo handling) for Ground Handling Operation (GRH) dan Cargo Operation (CGO) expertise
- 4 years working experience in managing safety for Safety Management System (SMS) expertise
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Good command in English, both oral and written
- Computer literate
- Able to work individually and in a team
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
7. Accounting and Tax Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for position Accounting and Tax Officer with requirement :
- Male or Female maximum age 27 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 in Accounting-Finance
- Experience in Accounting and tax minimal 1 years
- Preferably experience in accounting system minimal 1 years
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
8. Treasury Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for position Treasury Officer with requirement :
- Male or Female maximum age 25 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 in Accounting-Finance,Management,Business Administration
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
9. Inspector
We are looking for the best candidate for position Inspector with requirement :
- Male
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree in major engineering
- Minimum 2 years experience in airworthiness standard, personal licensing and training program
- Having knowledge in CASR,aviation regulation,
- Good in english both and written
- Good analytical skills, communication skills and interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
10. Quality Control Engineering Maintenance
We are looking for the best candidate for position Manager Internal Audit with requirement :
- Male
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Diploma Degree in major engineering
- Minimum 5 years experience in aircraft maintenance
- Having Type rating A320-B737
- Having knowledge CASR and aviation regulation
- Good in english both and written
- Good analytical skills, communication skills and interpersonal skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
11. Advertising and Promotion Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for position Advertising and Promotion Officer PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
- Female
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 from reputable University in major accounting,management
- Max. age 27 years old
- Experience in marketing sales minimum 1 years
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
12. Cabin Safety Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for position Cabin Safety Officer with requirement :
- Male/Female maximum age 40 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Minimum Diploma Degree
- Experience minimum 3 years as cabin crew
- Experience minimum 1 years as instructur safety
- Preferably have training auditor
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Good command in English, both oral and written
- Computer literate
- Able to work individually and in a team
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
13. IT Security
We are looking for the best candidate for position IT Security PT Citilink Indonesia with requirement :
- Male; Female
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 from reputable University in major information technology
- Max. age 35 years old
- Minimum of 5 years’ experience in Information Security and at least 2 years of policy creation experience
- Experienced with Penetration Testing, IP Port Scans, Firewall, Proxy and IDS configurations and management, AD Policy Management, Network Segmentation, Access Controls, Wireless Security, VPN and Encryption helpful,have a current CISSP Certification
- Familiarity with SSAE16, SOC 2 and/or ISO 27001
- Familiarity with COBIT or ISO Frameworks helpful
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
Persyaratan Loker :
- Max Age 30 years old
- CPL/IR Holder
- Valid Medical Class 1
- Indonesian Citizen
- Max Age 55 Years Old
- ATPL Holder
- Valid Medical Class 1
- Total Flight Hours more than 500hrs on type as PIC A320
- Total Flight Hours min 4000hrs in Airlines Category.
- NEP level 4
- Max Age 45 Years Old
- CPL Holder
- Valid Medical Class 1
- Total FLight Hours more than 250hrs on A320
- NEP level 4
16. Senior Manager Financial Planning and Accounting
We are looking for the best candidate for position Senior Manager Financial Planning and Accounting with requirement :
- Male or Female maximum age 40 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. holds Bachelor Degree/S1 in Accounting-Finance
- Experience in Finance and Accounting minimal 5 years
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
17. GA Officer
We are looking for the best candidate for position GA Officer with requirement :
- Male, Maximum age 30 years old
- Indonesian citizen
- Min. Diploma Degree in major administration; logistic
- Good in Mic Office (Excel,word)
- Good analytical skills
- Good communication skills
- Willing to be placed/assigned to whichever unit and/or branch office according to company’s needs
Catatan :
- Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia ditutup pada tanggal : Juni 2016
Pelamar diharapakan selalu berhati-hati terdapat penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT Citilink Indonesia. Pemanggilan proses penerimaan karyawan hanya melalui email resmi Citilink. Jika pelamar mendapatkan panggilan seperti di bawah maka dapat dipastikan hal ini merupakan penipuan.
Bagaimana Anda tertarik untuk bekerja di Citilink Indonesia ?
Jika anda tertarik dengan loker terbaru hari ini bulan Juni 2016 ini yaitu yang memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang : Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Citilink Indonesia, Silahkan siapkan berkas Lamaran Kerja beserta kelengkapannya kemudian melakukan pendaftaran loker via ONLINE kealamat link SUMBER dibawah ini :
Sumber : citilink
Sumber : citilink
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