bursalampung.com - TelkomTelstra adalah sebuah perusahaan antara Telkom Indonesia dengan Telstra Corporation dari Australia. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang manajemen aplikasi dan layanan jaringan (Network Application and Services/ NAS) berbasis komputasi cloud.
Dalam menjalankan operasi perusahaan, Telkom menyediakan pusat data (data center) TelkomSigma,
layanan pusat kontak Infomedia, dan jaringan tulangpunggung kabel serat yang tersebar di Indonesia.
Telkomtelstra saat ini sedang membutuhkan segera tenaga kerja sebagai:
Graduate Development Program
Requirements :
- Graduate from faculties :
- Technical : Computer, Informatics, Informatics System, Electrical Engineering or other Engineering disciplines.
- Business : Management, Economy, Social and Politics, International Business.
- Will graduate within January/February 2017, and/or graduate with less than 1 (one) year job experience.
- Minimum GPA 3.25.
- For technical – IT & Technology Vendor Certi ed Academy is preferred : Cisco Certi ed, Huawei Certi ed, Microsoft Certi ed, Security/ISO Certi ed, Mobile Application Certi ed (IoS, Android, Windows) etc.
- Good English.
For applicant, please send your send your CV to :
and put Graduate on your email subject.
- Succesful candidates will receive attractive compensation & benefit, training & certification, opportunity to wokr with national and global mentors and many more.
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
- Source: career.telkomuniversity.ac.id, informasicpnsbumn.com
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