Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) - PT Astra Daihatsu Motor merupakan Agen Pemegang Merek Daihatsu di Indonesia dan produsen kendaraan merek Daihatsu/Toyota, dan komponen serta bisnis terkait, yang didukung oleh jaringan distribusi di seluruh Indonesia dibawah pengelolaan Daihatsu Sales Operation (DSO). Grup Daihatsu terus membangun dirinya menjadi "merek global yang dicintai di seluruh dunia dan "perusahaan yang memiliki kepercayaan diri dan kebanggaan", melalui produksi mobil yang inovatif dan terkemuka di setiap era. Sesuai dengan slogan “Daihatsu Sahabatku”, Daihatsu di Indonesia terus mengedepankan pelayanan dan inovasi untuk memanjakan dan memudahkan pelanggan layaknya sahabat yang handal dan terpercaya.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) - Untuk mendukung program pemerintah dan memenuhi kebutuhan kelas menengah dan bawah pasar otomotif Indonesia, pada bulan September 2013, Daihatsu meluncurkan Astra Daihatsu Ayla. Dengan penambahan 15 gerai baru, pada akhir tahun 2013 jaringan operasional telah berkembang dari 196 outlet menjadi 211 outlet yang tersebar luas di seluruh Indonesia.
PT Astra Daihatsu Motor selalu mengutamakan inovasi dan teknologi dalam setiap produknya. Untuk mencapati tujuan tersebut, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang baik dan mendukung agar karyawan dapat bekerja sama dengan nyaman sebagai tim dan tumbuh bersama dengan perusahaan. Kerjasama jangka panjang dan keamanan kerja merupakan faktor penting untuk mengembangkan rasa saling percaya. Peningkatan SDM melalui program pelatihan berkala bagi karyawan terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keahlian karyawan.
Untuk mencapai visi perusahaan yaitu menjadi kelompok bisnis terkemuka di Indonesia yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada stakeholder-nya, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor sedang mencari pemuda - pemudi terbaik yang sangat kompeten dan termotivasi diri untuk mengisi posisi lowongan kerja terbaru 2018.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis terbaru bulan Februari 2018 dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia PT Astra Daihatsu Motor di Lowongan kerja Terbaru posisi: BANYAK LOWONGAN KERJA
Pada hari ini bulan Februari 2018 PT Astra Daihatsu Motor kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir atau membuka Lowongan kerja Terbaru bulan Februari 2018 untuk lulusan terbaru dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra Daihatsu Motor
Posisi Loker PT Astra Daihatsu Motor :
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Accounting, Finance.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
- Computer literate, minimum Ms. Office.
- Have SIM A.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Civil Engineering, Informatic Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Informatic Engineering, Information System.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in all majors.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Have SIM A.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Visual Communication Design DKV).
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Operating knowledge of CAD.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Operating knowledge of CATIA.
- Have SIM A.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in All Engineering majors.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Diploma (D3) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in All Engineering Major.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Accounting, Engineering Major.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Economics.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Psychology.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Psychology, Industrial Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Electrical Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Operating knowledge of AutoCAD.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Have SIM A.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Informatics Engineering, Information System.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Law, Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
- Fluent in Japanese language.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in All Engineering Major.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
- Have a good analytical skill.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Design Product.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Operating knowledge of CAD, Sketch and Rendering.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Architectural Engineering, Industrial Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Operating knowledge of AutoCAD, Corel.
- Have SIM A.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical engineering.
- Male/Female, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Good in production management.
Persyaratan Lowongan Kerja :
- Bachelor (S1) with minimum GPA of 2.90 majoring in Accounting, Industrial Engineering.
- Male, maximum age of 27 years old.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 3 years of experience.
- Fluent in English is preferred.
- Have strong interest in manufacturing process.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literate.
Catatan :
- Loker 2018 PT Astra Daihatsu Motor ditutup tanggal : 07 Februari 2018
Bagaimana Anda tertarik untuk bekerja di PT Astra Daihatsu Motor ?
Jika anda tertarik dengan lowongan kerja terbaru hari ini Februari 2018 ini yaitu yang memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang : Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, Silahkan Kirim LAMARAN KERJA via ONLINE ke alamat dibawah ini :
Sumber : Loker Astra Daihatsu Motor
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