- Job Description
- Develop, record and maintain web-based Laravel applications
- Build innovative applications and collaborate with the User Experience (UX) team
- Utilize backend data services and contribute to increase existing data services API
- Convey effectively with all task progress evaluations, suggestions, schedules along with technical and process issues
- Document the development process, architecture, and standard components
- Coordinate with co-developers and keep project managers well informed of the status of development effort and serves as liaison between development staff and project manager
- Job Spesification
- Good knowledge of PHP / Laravel development
- BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or similar relevant field
- In depth knowledge of object-oriented PHP and Laravel 5 PHP Framework
- Hands on experience with SQL schema design, SOLID principles, REST API design
- MySQL profiling and query optimization
- Creative and efficient problem solver
- Job Description
- Creating periodic reports, such as balance sheets, profit & loss stements, etc
- Verify and check payment voucher ad suporting documents (Invoices, VAT Documents, Witholding Tax)
- Keeping accurate records for all daily transactions
- Compute taxes and prepare tax return
- Job Spesification
- Male/Female
- Max 35 years old
- Work expreience as an accountant
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Economics
- Having good knowledge in finance, Accounting and tax
- Comptuter literate
- High accuracy and excellent administration skill
- Job Description
- Menangani bidang HRD dan Administrasi
- Melakukan proses rekrutmen (sortir, pemanggilan, interview kandidat, dll)
- Membuat kontrak kerja serta memperbaharui masa berlaku kontrak kerja (PKWT, SK, Surat Perjanjian, dll)
- Melakukan semua kegiatan aministrasi HR (system penggajian, absensi, BPJS, cuti, lembur, dll)
- Melakukan pengarsipan data-data Departemen HRD
- Supporting proses perizinan legalitas perusahaan
- Supporting tugas General Affair
- Melakukan pengawasan, pengontrolan, dan pengembangan karyawan
- Job Spesification
- Laki-laki / perempuan
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Psikologi / Hukum
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Result oriented, multi tasking, detail, teliti, disiplin, jujur, kreatif, komunikatif, dan cekatan
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu
- Memahami aturan UU Ketenagakerjaan
- Memahami tugas-tugas sebagai HRD/Personalia
- Mampu bekerja dibawah deadline dan tekanan
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk proses tes dan interview
Hanya menerima lamaran via email
Kirim lamaran via email ke :
Subjek email :
- JWD (spasi) Nama untuk posisi Junior Web Developer
- ACC (spasi) Nama untuk posisi Staff Accounting
- HRD (spasi) Nama untuk posisi Staff HRD
Alamat Perusahaan :
PT. Bumi Perkasa Lancar
Kawasan Industri Terboyo Megah
Jl. Terboyo Industri III No. 2 Semarang
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