Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk Agustus 2020

LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk Agustus 2020
Banyak orang mencari pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginannya tapi melihat Dari segi pendapatan dan gaji yang diberikan sangat besar. Padahal bagi mereka yang ingin mencari pekerjaan tentulah harus cocok dan sesuai dengan keinginan bahkan jurusan yang anda miliki. Jangan paksakan anda untuk bisa mencari pekerjaan dengan gaji yang tinggi tetapi tidak memiliki skill dan SDM yang cukup karena ini hanya memaksa dirimu untuk mendapatkan yang bukan sesuai dengan Harapan. Pertemuan ini itu persiapan lebih matang terlebih dahulu Apakah pekerjaan yang betul betul anda dapatkan nantinya sudah sesuai dengan standar skill dan kemampuan sehingga kamu tidak merasa tertekan dan terpaksa dalam melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. Berikut ini merupakan sebuah lowongan pekerjaan terbaru dari PT Adaro Energy Tbk bulan Agustus 2020. Kembali PT Adaro Energy Tbk memberikan peluang perkara kepada tante muda yang berpendidikan minimal Diploma dan sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan menarik. PT. Adaro Energy Tbk. adalah Perusahaan batu bara terbesar ke 2 di indonesia dan perusahaan batubara terbesar dalam kapitalisasi pasar. berkantor pusat di Bandar Lampung. Perusahaan Adaro berfokus dalam penambangan batubara lewat Anak perusahaan.


Job requirement
Minimum Diploma Degree (D3)
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in shipyards or other similar industries
Able to manage and direct man power to finish project attentively
Able to give technical solutions to problem in the field
Familiar with writing blasting & painting reports 
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan


Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) of Naval Architect, Ocean Engineering & Marine Engineering
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in shipyards or other similar industries
Able to plan, coordinate and control all production activities in ship repairs
Able to give technical solutions to problems in the field
Familiar with writing reports
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan 


Job requirement
Minimum Vocational High School (SMK), preferably majoring in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering 
Minimum 1 years experience as Operator, preferably Pump Operator 
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Good communication skill 
Willing to be located in Tanjung - Tabalong, South Kalimantan


Job requirement
Minimum Senior High School, preferably majoring in Mechanical Engineering 
Minimum 5 years experience as Mechanic for Heavy Equipment
Broad experience and proven skills in pump industry will be advantage
Good communication skill 
Willing to be located in Tanjung - Tabalong, South Kalimantan


Job requirement
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) of Naval Architecture
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in shipyards or other similar industries
Able to handle field inspection requests, knowledge of quality standards in ship repairing and able to make requested inspection reports by the class surveyor and the ship owner
Able to set up QC inspection procedure
Understanding about welding inspection (can be supported by certificate)
Proven communication, leadership and managerial skills.
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

Job requirement
Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) of Naval Architect, Ocean Engineering & Marine Engineering
Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position in shipyards or other similar industries
Able to plan, coordinate and control all production activities in ship repairs
Able to give technical solutions to problems in the field
Familiar with writing reports
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan 


Job requirement
Min. Education D IV/ANT II (showed by marine certification).
Having competencies at operational safety, ISM Code, Port Management, and Maritime Regulation.
Having experience in bulk carrier or transshipment, and ability with computer programe.
Having experience in the field as port captain
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan.


Job requirement
Min. Diploma of Electronics Engineering
3 years of electronics troubleshooting experience
Understand electrical appliences, communication & navigation equiment, heavy equipment, and power & control equipment.
Hardworking, discipline, honest, willing to learn, and responsible
Based in Banjarmasin office but will have to commute for technical troubleshooting


Job requirement
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting with min.GPA of 3.00
Having experience 2-3 years experience as treasury staff (preferably from public accountant or mining company).
Having good planning, good interpersonal, and communication skills with all levels in an organization, target-oriented, and good analytical thinking.
Having knowledge about cash management and budgeting.
Having knowledge about tax.
Fluent in English is a must.


Job requirement
Min. education DIII majoring Mechanical Engineering
Minimum 2 - 3 years of working experience in the same field
Understand in the care and repair of heavy equipment, diesel engines & conveyors (can be supported by proof of certificate)
Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan

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Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk Agustus 2020

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