LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja Shopee Indonesia Bulan Agustus 2021
Kabar baik bahwasanya lowongan kerja terbaru Shopee Indonesia akan dibuka lagi bagi anda yang lulusan dalam mengisi posisi jabatan menarik. Pandemi sekarang ini membuat lapangan pekerjaan semakin sedikit dan semakin sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan yang mengharuskan setiap pelamar harus memiliki kompetensi yang baik pula. Untuk itu jangan sia siakan lowongan kerja Shopee Indonesia untuk perusahaan ini ya gaes.
Berikut merupakan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru bulan agustus 2021 yang dipublish di situs www.lowongankerja15.com mengenai penerimaan calon pegawai baru di lingkungan Shopee Indonesia. Kembali Shopee Indonesia mengajak para talenta muda untuk bergabung mengisi posisi jabatan menarik. Bagi kawan kawan yang memiliki minat untuk bekerja diperusahaan ini silakan ajukan surat lamaran kerjamu melalui lowongan kerja Shoppe Indonesia berikut ini
Available position:
- 1. Recruiter - Executive Hire
- 2. Recruiter - ShopeeExpress
- 3. Recruiter - Tech (Engineer & Product Manager) & Business Intelligence
- 4. Recruiter - Marketing
- 5. Recruiter - Corporate (HR, IT & Finance)
- 6. Recruiter - Business Development
- 7. Recruiter - SeaBank
- 8. Recruiter - Warehouse
- 9. Recruiter - Operations
Job Description:
- ● Participate in recruitment process involving sourcing, screening, and selection of ideal individuals
- ● Manage the recruiting pipeline including determining resources status and needs, coordinating recruiting events and sourcing activities, assessing, and managing referral processes
- ● Create, build, and maintain networks of potential passive candidates to fill future anticipated and planned roles
- ● Develop and manage employee communications and engagement initiatives
- ● Formulate and implement other HR initiatives and projects as and when directed by the Management
Job description:
- Working closely with recruiters to support the recruitment activities
- Participate in the recruitment process, which involves sourcing, screening, and selection of ideal individuals
- Coordinate recruiting events and sourcing activities and assessing
- Maintain communication with candidates and/or recruiters and give regular updates
- General administration duties
- Freshly graduated from Psychology or related majors
- Energetic and fast learner
- Have a great interpersonal and communication skill
- Fluent in English, comfortable to write and speak English as daily conversation
Note : Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan dan semua berkaitan dengan seleksi lowongan kerja perusahaan itu GRATIS serta tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun
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