Lowongan Kerja Graduate Trainee Program Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia

LOWONGANKERJA15.COM, Lowongan Kerja Graduate Trainee Program Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia

Dalam memilih pekerjaan Anda harus menyesuaikan kecocokan antara kemampuan akademik yang dimiliki dengan pekerjaan yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan. Kamu harus selalu siap untuk menerima hal-hal yang menantang agar bisa memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk masuk dalam perusahaan. Aduh harus Memiliki kompetensi yang baik sehingga kamu lebih maksimal dalam bersaing dengan pelamar lain. Sebagai pelamar yang berkompetensi jika anda memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian Lebih baik di antara lainnya. Sebuah informasi lowongan pekerjaan terbaru yang baik untuk anda lamar yaitu penerimaan calon karyawan di coca-cola amatil Indonesia bulan Desember 2020. Kembali coca-cola amatil Indonesia memberikan kesempatan berkarir bagi talenta muda yang memiliki pendidikan sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai graduated training program. Dan kawan-kawan yang berminat untuk mengajukan lamaran di perusahaan coca-cola amatil Indonesia, silakan ajukan lamaran secepatnya. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia adalah mitra pembotolan utama untuk Coca-Cola System dan bisnis investasi Australia terbesar di Indonesia, yang beroperasi sejak tahun 1992. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) merupakan produsen dan distributor minuman non-alkohol siap minum yang hadir di Indonesia mulai tahun 1992

Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) - Human Resources

Job Description
Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) is a structured development program for fresh graduate student with experience that provides compact technical and behavior development to achieve career acceleration in CCAI consist of:

6 months development program as trainee
1-year deployment in a role
Continuation of development as permanent employee
We have high expectation for Graduate Trainee Program to foster new employees after deployment to support the rapid business growth, market changing, and preparing future leaders.

Minimum Qualifications
  • Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Law / Human Resources Management / Public Health, with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Fresh Graduates or max. 1 year experience
  • Max. 25 years old
  • Fluent in English (written & verbally)
  • Good interpersonal skill & active in organization or any social activities
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia

Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) Supply Chain

Job Description
Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) is a structured development program for fresh graduate student with experience that provides compact technical and behavior development to achieve career acceleration in CCAI consist of:

6 months development program as trainee
1-year deployment in a role
Continuation of development as permanent employee
We have high expectation for Graduate Trainee Program to foster new employees after deployment to support the rapid business growth, market changing, and preparing future leaders.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Engineering Field (Industrial, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical), Statistics, Food Technology, Transportation Management, with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Fresh Graduates or max. 1 year experience
  • Max. 25 years old
  • Fluent in English (written & verbally)
  • Good interpersonal skill & active in organization or any social activities
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia

Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) Finance & Governance

Job Description
Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) is a structured development program for fresh graduate student with experience that provides compact technical and behavior development to achieve career acceleration in CCAI consist of:

6 months development program as trainee
1-year deployment in a role
Continuation of development as permanent employee
We have high expectation for Graduate Trainee Program to foster new employees after deployment to support the rapid business growth, market changing, and preparing future leaders.

Minimum Qualifications
  • Bachelor Degree / Master Graduates from Accounting / Economics / Management / Tax (with min. GPA 3.00)
  • Fresh Graduates or max. 1 year experience
  • Max 25 years old
  • Fluent in English (written & verbally)
  • Good interpersonal skill & active in organization or any social activities
Bagi kawan kawan memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di instansi Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan kerja pekerjaan berikut

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Lowongan Kerja Graduate Trainee Program Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia

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